McDermott Associates
Modern office scene
New ways of working break line

When change is constant, flexibility rules

Moves to more flexible methods of working, where staff are no longer tied to a desk or even a building, demand smarter systems and robust structures

In tandem with sophisticated voice technology, data needs to be freely accessible

Hot-desking requires specific storage provisions and robust team-based systems are critical to its success

Electronic Document Management

"The ability to access and manipulate all permissible information and documents from one place and share it with all relevant parties both internal and external to the organisation"

This is the Holy Grail and probably no organisation has achieved it across the board

Unrelated islands or silos of information need to be grouped into unified, structured, enterprise-wide systems

How can we help?

McDermott Associates specialise in helping companies reduce the paper mountain and sort the wheat from the chaff. We also devise classification structures that enable disparate documents (both paper and electronic) to be organised in a common system

We believe that an essential first step in embarking on a New Ways Of Working project is to re-organise existing material into a lean and solid structure

The second step is to finalise retention policies for each department, which comply both with statutory regulations and support the business needs. These should appear in a user-friendly format and address not only vital company records but also documentation at department and operational levels

These activities, when complete, will provide the foundations for the move towards Electronic Document Management or New Ways of Working